13kb Steve's Place Logo
Steve's Place
"Where Every Ride's An Adventure"


Yes, Steve's Place has got to be my favorite spot !

Whether you bring your desert toys or not, you'll have fun just being

here with good friends, champagne & dirt between your toes.

Here are a few photos of Steve's Place and our adventures...

Steve's Place Sign loading - image 14kb

The sign says it all !

Misting Tree loading - 35 kb
When it's too hot to ride, under the "mist" tree we go. "Mist", being high pressure water raining down from the tree through small jets. We are actually "roughing it". No electricity, ( lighting is gas & 12volt batteries + solar panels ). Water is trucked in for showers and the Jacuzzi. Yah, were roughing it alright.


Eddie: 10kb image
        Eddie enjoying some watermelon.

Joey and a 3 gallon water pistol. Watch Out !
Joey: 11 kb image


Steve loading - 24  kbRon & Brian loading - 21kb

Steve, Ron & Brian

In between riding, eating & chatting, it's time for a little target practice.

Jessie loading - 18 kb


Even the kids get to learn how to shoot.

Jessie in truck loading - 15 kbTravis and the 4077  ------ image 12 kb

Jessica & Travis checking things out.


Rabbit loading - 12 kb           The other wild animals.


Rattler loading - 14 kbAnd watch out for this guy.

This rattler was found about 100 feet from camp.

He was placed about a 1/2 mile away ( to close for me ) in

a rock pile. ( Probably took him all day to get back to camp.)

104 degrees in the shade - 11 kb
104 degrees in the shade.

Can't do anything but watch the grass grow.



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Updated: 7/23/2006, 1/12/2017

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