"WaterLess Canyon Ride"

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Steve's Place

 John's Southern California Desert Buggy Adventures.
Jeep (1952 Willys), Buggies & Motorcycles ride. The First ride of this season.
 80ºF temperatures this weekend marks the beginning of ride. ( 3-16-2004 )


The High Desert.
The views on our little trail ride are awesome.
Still plagued by rust from my old gas tank ( a new gas tank was installed
earlier in the day, thanks Steve Mason :) but the fuel filters were still packed with rust.
The Willys was starving for fuel for the past mile. I knew the routine.
Back flush my rust filled filters. The electric fuel pump made it easy, it only
took about two minutes to perform that job. The difficult part was to keep
the splashing gas from spraying all over the hot exhaust manifold. Steve Mason
tripped the fuel pump on while I held a extra radiator hose over the reversed
filter to deflect fuel from the manifold. Success. We continued on to our
destination, WaterLess Canyon.



Danny & Allen ( party animals ) rode bikes and were quite
careful not to "roost" us with rocks from their bikes. Thanks guys.



Stopping at the first mine. Time to regroup.


Linda & Steve get ready to push on.
Steve is a great trail guide and knows all the neat places to explore.


Page 2 of WaterLess Canyon Ride



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March 18th, 2004

Updated March 18th, 2004, 1/10/2017

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